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All New Yaris - INFO DEALER KREDIT TOYOTA TANGERANG | 0812-8041-9914
Website resmi penjualan mobil Toyota untuk seluruh area Tangerang dan JaBoDeTaBek.
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All New Yaris

YARIS 1.5 G M/T 3 AirbagsNSR15GM/T21                     248.300.000
YARIS 1.5 G M/T 7 AirbagsNSR15GM/T20                     252.900.000
YARIS 1.5 G CVT 3 AirbagsNSR15GA/T21                     258.200.000
YARIS 1.5 G CVT 7 AirbagsNSR15GA/T20                     262.800.000
YARIS 1.5 S M/T TRD 3 AirbagsNSR15SM/TTRD21                     268.800.000
YARIS 1.5 S M/T TRD 7 AirbagsNSR15SM/TTRD20                     273.400.000
YARIS 1.5 S CVT TRD 3 AirbagsNSR15SA/TTRD21                     279.500.000
YARIS 1.5 S CVT TRD 7 AirbagsNSR15SA/TTRD20                     284.000.000


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